This sweeping mid 17th Century narration begins in Holland as Resolved Waldron, a widower and former book printer, works to convince a young woman's family that he is an excellent choice as husband for their remaining unwed daughter. No easy task since soon after the proposed marriage Waldron plans to take his bride, Tanneke Nagel, (and his three small children) far away from them to the young settlement of New Amsterdam in the Colony of New Netherland.
Manhattan Seeds of the Big Apple is the heartfelt story of one immigrating family's journey to colonial America, and especially their spiritual struggle with the meaning of cultural diversity long before it became an important expression of our time over 300 years later.
Before the English named it New York, and before the Dutch called it New Amsterdam, it was known as Mahikan to the Algonquin, one of the Native American nations that occupied the area. It meant, Island of the Rolling Hills. After the colonists arrived, Mahikan became Manhattan.
In l655, lower Manhattan was a Dutch community of about 120 houses, it's people protected by a fort and a log wall which served as a defense against Indian attacks. Today's Wall Street traces the line of that planked divider.
Arriving from Holland on the ship Princess, the Waldron family settled on Block B at the tip of Manhattan Island.
Their immediate neighbors included Augustine Herrman, Pieter Schaefbanck, jailor, Hendrick Hendricksen, Domine (Clergy) Samuel Drisius, Dan Tourneur, Isaac de Forest, and Col. Phillip Pietersen Schuyler.
Working for Peter Stuyvesant, as a sheriff, Resolved Waldron will be tasked with the arrest of English merchant, John Bowne of Flushing, Queens because of his refusal to pay Stuyvesant's fine for Bowne's Quaker wife's preaching.
Be introduced to some of the earliest inhabitants of New York City. This is a well researched Manhattan historical novel you will read again and again. These were but a few of America's first immigrants. This is their story. "Manhattan Seeds of the Big Apple" by author Gloria Waldron Hukle
The first of Gloria Hukle's books in the American Waldron Series Novels.